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App Publishing Program


CodeCrew assists students who have shown leadership and innovation in app development within the CodeCrew programs by partnering them with tech expert mentors who guide them to getting their app published onto Google Play.

Joshua Moore has successfully passed through our various levels of programming. With his dedication to app development and his passion for innovation, he has created an app to help small YouTubers grow. Currently, he's working with his mentor to make it available on the App Store and Google Play.

"Not only did CodeCrew teach me a lot about coding and applications. It helped me grow as a person. It was a sort of discipline. I have found a career path that I am now truly in love with." -Joshua Moore, App Creator


Designed by CodeCrew student Joshua Moore and developed by Poeen in collaboration with CodeCrew, AdvertYOU is an app specifically designed for up and coming YouTubers. The app enables you to promote up to five videos on your YouTube channel for free. AdvertYOU compiles a list of videos that you, your friends, and anyone else with the app can watch to help you get more likes and follows on your YouTube channel.


460 South Highland Street. Suite 901, Memphis, TN 38111  |  901-229-1720  |  |  #GritGrindCode 

EIN: 47-4691807

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